Student Life
Many students prepare food in their apartments or dorms. Freshmen can request to live in a kosher dorm room. In the area of Cooper there are a few kosher restaurants. Be advised that certain certifications of these restaurants have varying reliability, so be sure to ask someone. Cooper has a cafeteria (Franky's on the 4th floor) where kosher sandwiches are made by Sara's Kitchen for $4. NYU also has a kosher cafeteria where meals could be purchased for $12.
The Bronfman Center is where we pray in the morning. For Mincha and sometimes Maariv we have our own Minyan in the Cooper building but there is also one at Bronfman. There are also classes and events held there.
For shabbat we usually join the NYU community for services and meals. Both Chabad and Hillel at NYU provide free meals for Friday night. Chabad also provides a free lunch. Seudah shlishit is held after mincha back at the Bronfman Center. NYU and Cooper students also host Shabbat lunches in their apartments or dorms, where many students eat. Both Chabad and NYU host Shabbat prayer services.
For the holidays, we notify the professors ahead of time and they usually accomodate the students reasonably for missing class. However, we advise that you notify them of your absence as well.

Below you will find some useful links about for food and such in the area of Cooper: